<aside> 💡 We have several different font files of Maison Neue floating around as a company. To make sure you don’t have issues with Figma auto updating to wrong font files please do the following steps:

  1. Completely delete all the Maison Neue fonts you have on Font Book.
  2. Install only these following fonts in this Dropbox link. Maison, Inter, and SF Pro
  3. Restart Figma after installing the new fonts.


<aside> 💡 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/92jemh3ujl9jo1y3cm6iz/h?rlkey=wsdci8g6h5n93emxdwztbpte6&dl=0


We currently using the following

Maison Neue Family

Inter Family 4.0

Used for product

SF Pro Family